New members: Yeeun, Jaewoo, and Sangjoon
We are pleased to welcome three new members who joined our group in Spring 2023!
Yeeun Nam (남예은) joined our group as a Ph.D. student, after receiving her M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at KAIST, under the supervision of Prof. Seung-Rae Lee.
Jaewoo Kang (강재우) joined our group as an M.S. student, after receiving his B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Business and Technology Management (Double Major) at KAIST.
Sangjoon Park (박상준) joined our group as an M.S. student, after receiving his B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Physics (Double Major) at KAIST.
New group members! Jaewoo (left), Yeeun (middle), and Sangjoon (right)